cCalc is a simple calculator that runs on S60 3rd Edition smartphones. It features simple navigation and programmable formulas. It’s very easy to use with Nokia E61’s keypad. The older version was 1.0.8.. This version 1.0.9 coming with new features;

cCalc offers the following features :

• Number Keys and Basic Math Functions : Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division.
• Programmable Formula : User-Defined Functions i.e Tax and Currency Conversion Functions
• Trigonometric Functions : Trigonometric/Inverse Trigonometric Functions (Sine, Cosine, Tangent/Arc Sine, Arc Cosine, Arc Tangent), Hyperbolic/Inverse Hyperbolic Functions. Degree/Radian/Grad mode for angle unit
• Common Mathematical Functions : Logarithm, Power, Exponential, Reciprocal, Square Root
• Pi Constant, Factorial Function
• Base-N mode and Logical Operations : Binary/Octal/Decimal/Hex base. OR/XOR/AND/NOT and MOD Functions
• General Functions : Clear Entry, All Clear, Sign Change
• Memory Functions : Memory In/Memory Recall/Memory Plus/Memory Minus/Memory Clear
• Parentheses : ()
• Precedence : Lower → Higher “1: OR 2: XOR 3: AND 4: +, - 5: /, *, MOD 6: x^y 7: NOT 8: f(x)”

• Pencil key/Shift key to switch function
• Copy to clipboard/Paste from clipboard
• User Theme background
• Support instant screen size change
• Support multi language

• Maping key text on button

This Software Is Freeware

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